Thursday, November 9, 2023

Beer O'Clock: Bitter & Twisted

After enjoying the whisky-barrel-aged stout from Harviestoun Brewery, last week, I had to run back to the LCBO and pick up more. I may just clear out the shelf of every store in my area before long.

It's that good.

But when I had originally shopped for this wonderful dark ale, I picked up a couple of bottles of another offering of this Scottish brewery and I was now looking forward to trying this very different brew.

Would it be as good as Ola Dubh?

Bitter & Twisted Golden Ale (4.2% ABV)
Harviestoun Brewery
Alva, Scotland

Appearance: pours a clear, golden honey with a very light, white head that settles to a fine lace. The effervescence is alive with miniscule pearls.

Nose: honey isn't just its colour. There's a clover-like scent of honey and cantaloupe, with a bit of lemongrass.

Palate: it's light and grassy with a bit of piney bitterness that gives a full body and a lingering finish. At times, though, I almost taste a residue of soap, which didn't ruin the overall flavour profile but did catch my attention the more I drank.

Overall impression: I'm reminded of other golden ales that are mass-produced in Canada, like Molson Canadian or even Steamwhistle. But an elevated version of these popular brews. It's not particularly my sort of ale but I can see how it would appeal to the masses who like mainstream golden ales.

If you like Canadian, Steamwhistle, or Beau's Lug Tread, you'll like Bitter & Twisted. I don't like any of those but I liked Bitter & Twisted more.

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺

While there were several bottles of this ale on my friendly neighbourhood LCBO, I saw none in the shop where I stocked up on more of the Ola Dubh (I went to both stores in Barrhaven). But I'm sure it's around.


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