Friday, January 27, 2012

Photo Friday: M.I.A.

I shot this photo in late winter, 1988.

I was planning to take another photo of the statue, to give you a then-and-now comparison.

I seem to have lost the statue.

This photo was shot at Confederation Park, but when I returned to the spot, another statue occupied the area where I shot this soldier, standing at ease, seemingly comfortable in his uniform.

Do you know where this statue has gone?

Leave a comment and I'll go out to take a shot of this soldier in his new spot. For now, he's M.I.A.

Happy Friday!


  1. Ross, the statue is in front of Cartier Square drill hall at 2 Queen Elizabeth drive.

  2. Thanks, Anonymous! It seems the soldier hasn't moved far.

    I'll go and check him out and take a shot. It would be nice to give you credit, if you leave your name.
