In 2011, social media was still pretty new to me. Sure, I had been running a blog since 2008 (not this blog, which I started in 2011) but I really didn't get into Twitter until early in that year.
In 2011, Twitter was in its glory days.
But once I started on social media—Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Untappd—I was hooked. I seemed to spend all my free time checking out what I had missed since the last time I put my phone to my face.
Kid 1, who was as sharp as a tack (and still is), noticed that I was missing life around me while I was looking for what was going on in the social-media universe. And she pointed out that I was addicted to my phone while we were on vacation, in Cape Cod, in 2011.
For the most part, I was taking shots of our vacation, but instead of taking the snap and moving on, I had to edit it right away and post it on Twitter, or Instagram, or Facebook. And for her, it was getting to be too much.
So she had an idea for a picture I could take: DW would be looking up at something interesting, while I would be on my phone and Kid 1 was looking at the camera that was capturing this scene, all while pointing out that I was on my phone and pouting about it.
Kid 2 took the shot.
I still use my phone a lot but not nearly to the extent that I was in 2011. For one, I'm no longer on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. And though I'm on Bluesky, I don't post nearly as often as I did on Twitter.
Also, I haven't used Untappd as a social-media app in years, as I follow no one and don't let anyone view me (it's strictly a way for me to keep track of the various brews I've consumed).
I even have a tracker on my phone to let me know when I'm on the screen too often in a day.
We'll be going on a family vacation in about two months. I'm confident that we won't have to recreate this pose again.
Happy Friday!
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