Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Avoiding Negative TV

During the pandemic, I've spent more than my fair share of time in front of the television, binge-watching movies and shows through the myriad streaming services that DW and I picked up over the nearly two years of being homebodies. I've looked on social media to see what shows are trending and have even taken up some of the recommendations that Netflix has offered (even though the vast majority of Netflix recommendations are as far from my tastes as is the very end of this pandemic).

One of the first series that DW and I started watching was the British show "Detectorists," which follows two friends, Lance and Andy, who share the hobby of metal detection and search the fields in their town, hoping to find a cache of hidden treasure.

It's a brilliant show. Well-written, brilliantly performed by a cracking cast, "Detectorists" is heart-warming. DW and I enjoyed it so much that we started re-watching, from the beginning, shortly after we finished the last episode of the series.

What we enjoyed about the series was that it made us feel good, and it was a welcome escape from the pandemic and all the bullshit that was going on south of the border.

Another series that we've loved and can't wait for the third season is the Apple TV+ series, "Ted Lasso." I have to admit that when it first came out, I wasn't particularly interested in watching it. I'm not much of a sports fan (though, I do like soccer and often watch FIFA matches) and I don't usually care for TV shows or movies that centre around a sports team.

But as the first season grew in popularity, I was seeing more and more of my Twitter friends raving about the show, so DW, Kid 2, and I decided to watch the first episode. That evening, we binge-watched every aired episode and got caught up for the first season. We found it hard to wait for the next episode to air. When Season 2 came out, we were ready to watch it right away and eagerly waited a week for the next episode to air (remember when all shows were watched this way?).

When it was safe to invite my parents over to our house, we suggested that they watch "Ted Lasso" (they don't have Apple TV). DW and I were happy to watch the series again. That evening, my parents were hooked and we watched the first half of the first season, and over the course of the next couple of weeks, we watched both seasons.

Like DW and me, my folks can't wait for the third season.

While I sit on my spin bike, I like to watch shows that DW doesn't seem to be interested in watching, and so I look for new shows to fill the hour that I'm working out. I had seen ads for a show that's on Prime Video, "Yellowstone," and I put the first episode on during a ride.

That first episode was the last one that I'll ever watch.

I found that there was not one single character that I liked. The main character, John Dutton, played by Kevin Costner, was utterly detestable. It didn't help that I've never felt that Costner is a particularly good actor, but his character is particularly loathsome, seemingly living on greed and having no regard for the lives of others.

The first episode was full of violence and left me feeling stressed. "No thanks," I said aloud as the episode ended and the countdown started for the next one.

I don't mind conflict in my TV shows but I find that I don't have an appetite for violence, especially when the violence is driven by selfishness and over a battle for territory.

There's enough of that in the real world.

At a time when I can't go out with my friends, when the pandemic is limiting what I can do, I need to be lifted up by what I see on the TV screen. Two years into this pandemic, I want to avoid any more negativity in my life. Especially when I'm trying to escape what's going on in real life.

Which shows do you like to watch? Leave your TV recommendations in the Comments section.

Positive shows only, please.

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