Monday, March 14, 2022

Two Years On...

... and we're not out of this yet. Not by a long shot.

Anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers. Governments who are ruled by the economy, rather than science, eager to open all businesses, loosen or lift restrictions.

We'll still be at this, next year.

We may be done with COVID but COVID is still not done with us.

Sure, we're better than we were two years ago, or even at this time, last year. Many of us have happily, readily received our vaccinations and will continue to get the boosters, as is required and responsible. We have understood that belonging to a society means that we do what is right, is for the better good. Being a member of society means thinking of others, not just ourselves.

One week from today, Ontario plans to lift mask mandates. For the Toronto District School Board, I've seen reports that unvaccinated teachers can return to the classroom. In which universe does this make sense? Has the virus given up?

I'm planning to continue wearing masks indoors. I limit my exposure to the general public to places such as Costco, Farm Boy, and Loblaws. For all other businesses, I'll only go to those that still require a mask to enter.

Forget bars and restaurants.

I'm not ready to return to working at the office and may never be. I can do more than 99 percent of my job from home. In 2021, I showed up at work only once, and that was for a couple of hours, tops. Most of my work can be handled remotely.

I hate that this pandemic has dragged on as long as it has. For me, it shouldn't be taking as long as it is. I look at Cuba, how more than 95 percent of the population is at least double-vaxxed, how people are required to wear masks, even on the streets, and how the rates for the virus are so low. I imagine that for as long as they allow tourists and for as long as the pandemic exists, they'll continue safe practices.

Why can't we do that?

Living in a free society doesn't mean we are free to do as we want, regardless of how our actions affect others. Freedom is an obligation to one another in our society so that it remains free.

It seems that the Ontario government has forgotten that. My fear is that they know this but don't care. For them, the economy is more important than fighting the pandemic. Money is more important than human life.

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