Thursday, August 10, 2023

Beer O'Clock: Electric Unicorn

I had seen this beer in my friendly neighbourhood LCBO many times over the past couple of years but never picked it up until just recently. There was something about the label that screamed "over the top," and I didn't want to be disappointed if the contents didn't match the ostentatious artwork.

The can features a unicorn that is backed by a starry sky. Somewhat fantastical. Would the beer be equally fantastical?

This time, as I was perusing the shelves of myriad craft ales, my eyes also fell to the bottom of the can and I read White IPA in purple, on a goldish-yellow band.

I had just picked up another white IPA from Le Trou du Diable and I thought I would do a comparison of the two. Last week, I tried and loved Les Quatre Serfeurs de l'Apocoalypso; would an electric unicorn trample the four surfers?

Let's find out.

Electric Unicorn White IPA (6.5% ABV)
Phillips Brewing & Malting Company
Victoria BC

Appearance: pours a slightly hazy deep gold with a foamy, beige head that starts thick and settles to a solid, creamy cap.

Nose: if you've ever had Gerber pear baby food, there are hints of that aroma, but with hops and a touch of acetone.

Palate: the pear continues in the mouth, mixed with a bit of pineapple juice, followed by what is a mix of pine resin and more acetone. Almost like a mild ear wax (c'mon, you all know what I'm talking about). This flavour combination carries all the way to the finish, which is medium in length, though the pine resin seems to linger when everything else is said and done.

Overall impression: despite my description, this white IPA is easy-drinking, and both quenched my thirst. There's enough fruit in the mouth to temper the bitterness of the pine and the acetone (the acetone may signal a flaw in the canning process). Overall, I did like the ale and I would gladly drink it again.

Which is good, because I have another can (if the flavour profile lacks the acetone, I'll update this review).

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺

How did the Electric Unicorn stand against The Four Surfers of the Apocalypse? I have to admit that the Québec white IPA did impress me more, and if I had to choose one over the other, the unicorn would be put in a stable, though I'd want to take it out for a gallop every once and a while.


Update: apparently, I've had Electric Unicorn on three other occasions, dating back to 2015. The last time, before this week, was on August 13, 2020 (almost exactly three years ago). My rating was pretty much the same but I never made a mention of acetone in my Untapp'd tasting notes. That doesn't mean it wasn't there: it only means I didn't make a note of it.

Apparently, though, my experience wasn't memorable (other than I recognized the label when I last picked it up).

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