It was one of those weekends where, when I had time to relax and think about blog posts for this week, I should have actually gone to my computer and banged out those thoughts. But time got the better of me.
The weather for this part of June is unseasonably cooler than it should be. I actually put on a sweater, on Saturday, as DW and I started purging junk from our garage, to try to make some room where we can store our kayaks, out of the way. Since they were delivered, a few weeks ago, we've had them on the floor, on top of the bubble wrap that had encased them, and they are occupying the spot where one of our cars should be.
We're one of those couples who usually keep both cars out in the driveway, during the summer, anyway, as bikes, gardening carts, and other seasonal gear tend to spread out. But we figured that we'd make room for them now, before the autumn weather comes and we have to scramble to find spots.
Saturday was full of chores and errands, and by the time the evening came, I was too tired to write. And DW and I planned to rise early, on Sunday, to go on a little kayak expedition.
No writing on Saturday.
We were out of the house by 8:00, Sunday morning, with our kayaks on the roof of the car, heading for a friend's farm, near Plantagenet, along the South Nation River. We were there, last weekend, welcoming into his new digs (he only moved there at the beginning of June), and were hoping to get our crafts in the river, but after the tour of the farm grounds (I shared some photos in last week's Wordless Wednesday), the afternoon was almost at an end, and so we drove home without removing the kayaks from the roof.
So here we were, again, back at our friend's place, for a little breakfast with him and two other friends, who were visiting the farm for the first time. We ate from a safe distance, everybody constantly washing hands and only touching our own food.
After a few hours, DW and I said our goodbyes and drove about three kilometres, to Jessups Falls, where there is a conservation area with plenty of easy places to put our kayaks in the South Nation River. Our goal was to paddle from this area to Plantagenet, and back.
DW, as we passed our friend's farm from the South Nation River. |
The trek took about two-and-a-half hours, and with my 360-degree camera mounted on a quick-access hatch, I recorded this little adventure. I've started editing some of the video footage and hope to have something worth sharing later this week.
By the time DW and I made it back to Jessups Falls, got the kayaks firmly mounted onto the roof, and drove home, it was after 4:30. We unloaded the Niro, made ourselves a bite to eat, chatted by video with yet another buddy, and then crashed.
On Saturday, I had a lot of ideas for blog posts this week, but when it came time to write something, late last night, my head didn't want to put those ideas to words. So this is all I could come up with.
Sorry about that, and if you actually read this post all the way to the end, thanks. Sorry for babbling, but sometimes that just how it goes.