Monday, September 30, 2024

Our Star

Years ago, before she became the talented drummer that she is today, I suggested that Kid 2 be a comedian.

"You're very funny and you have natural comedic timing," I once said.

Point in fact: while waiting to start one of her earliest drum lessons, when we were sitting in a waiting area in the music school, Kid 2 handed me a crumpled piece of paper. The waste basket was directly across from both of us.

I got up from my seat and deposited the balled-up paper. "Was it too difficult for you to throw it out?" I asked her, softly, as I sat back down.

In a low, flat, straight voice, she replied, "It was origami, dad. I made it for you. You never keep anything I make for you."

Rest assured: it was something she wanted to throw out. But I laughed so hard that it made the effort of crossing the waiting room so worth it.

She has always commanded attention and apparently has a big following on Instagram, though it's a private account to which she won't give DW or me access. "You wouldn't get my content," she has explained.

Yes, DW and I are stupid.

She has taken drama lessons and has been in a few plays, even singing and dancing in one (she took dance lessons for more than 10 years). And as I said, she's a great drummer.

So it didn't surprise DW or me when she told us, a couple of months ago, that someone reached out to her to offer her a spot on a commercial. She told us that we couldn't share any details until it was released but that it was with a multinational fast-food chain.

Last week, the commercial came out on Canadian TV and on social media. It's for KFC. Here are a couple of snaps she took when she saw the playback of her shoot.

Her best friend from high school, who now lives in Vancouver, called her up to say that she saw it on television. My parents saw it while watching Jeopardy!

I've only seen it though KFC Canada's Instagram account.

Even though she's a cute kid, they have her face covered in a cream and her hair in a towel. But she said she had a lot of fun shooting the ad and is happy with the results.

We're so proud of her.

She's also auditioned for something else, and so we have our fingers crossed. She's not about to give up drumming but it's great to see her put her talents to good use.

Happy Monday!

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