Monday, June 20, 2011

Where In Ottawa, Round Three

It's been a while, but it's back. The third installment of Where In Ottawa starts today.

The first person who correctly identifies the Ottawa landmark in this post will win one of the following prizes:

The contest will close as soon as the location is sent to me as a comment to this post. Sorry, no tweets.

Here's the photo:

Good luck!


  1. Stu: Nope. Keep trying. More clues to come.

  2. Stu: No again.

    Actually, before I took the picture, I didn't even know this place existed. Just shows that I should look up more often (another hint?).

  3. It's the Hope Chambers building, also known as the Bible House at 61 Sparks St.

  4. Voiceless Wonder: Yes! Congratulations! I'll contact you shortly about your prize.
