Friday, March 23, 2012

Photo Friday: Let Me Clarify

Because I've been without my Nikon for a month or so, I've contented myself with getting the most out of the camera on my iPhone. I have more than a dozen photo-editing apps, but none get more use than Camera+.

Camera+ lets me improve images with corrective functions and apply special effects. But what I like to do the most is to apply, and then reapply, and then reapply once more, corrective functions to create a special effect. And the best feature, I find, is the Clarify feature.

 The Clarify feature is meant to enhance the photo to highlight colours and balance the lighting. But when you apply the feature over and over again, you over-compensate and create images that look less like photographs and more like paintings. Kind of like HDR on steroids.

What do you think?

Happy Friday!

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