Where does the time go?
You know, I partly blame The Brown Knowser for the fact that time goes so quickly. I spend much of my free time thinking up various post that I will do for the week. It's getting easier: find a beer or two, drink them, and write comments; take a bunch of photos and string them together; write about Roland; find a photo that I recently shot and explain why I think it's worth sharing.
Once a month, run a contest about a spot in Ottawa.
The only real challenge is finding a subject to write about for Tuesday's post. Often, I turn to current events, but sometimes I sit in front of my keyboard on a Monday night, staring at the screen until something hits me. I hope that whatever I write interests you, amuses you, or makes you think. If I'm really lucky, it will do all three.
Next week is going to be a little different. This weekend, I'm spending nearly all of my time at the Ottawa Oktoberfest in Barrhaven. I'm the official photographer. I was originally thinking that I would run a post on Monday about the festival, but then I remembered that next Monday is the first one of the new month. And so I'll be running Where In Ottawa.
I'm also running a series on pumpkin ales for Beer O'Clock. That'll have to be on Tuesday. For Wordless Wednesday, I'll have to show some photos of the Oktoberfest celebrations, but it might not be wordless. I may have two Beer O'Clocks next week. (I've even thought about creating a new blog, just with beer reviews, running a couple of posts a week, but I'm already sleep-deprived as it is.)
Next Thursday, I'll continue the story of Roland. Are you enjoying that? I'm not so sure: I don't get many readers to those pages.
And Friday, I'll hopefully have a great photo to share.
Gee... I guess next week won't be so different. Never mind...
Here's what I did this week:
- Beer O'Clock: In Search of the Great Pumpkin Ale, Part 1—as the title suggests, I'm reviewing pumpkin ale, and it's going to take a while before I come up with a favourite.
- So Long, Sam—my tribute to the record man that helped shape my taste in music.
- Wordless Wednesday: Another Photo Walk—um... it's another photo walk. What else can I say?
- Gammon, Part 6—we're getting there. The story of how Roland came to be more than just fiction continues.
- Photo Friday: Langevin—I was clearing off photos from my iPad, and I almost forgot about this one. Which is strange, because I only shot it a couple of weeks ago.