Monday, August 27, 2018

Laying Low

I'm still on vacation, and that means the last thing I want to worry about is work. Or about how my backyard fence, back home, is falling apart.

Or, whether I get a blog post out this week.

In the nine days since my family and I left home and headed out east, I have looked at a computer screen twice. That doesn't include my smartphone, of course, but I would never write from such a small screen.

I've sort of liked not having to think about much beyond where we are going for the day, how we're going to keep the kids occupied where we're at, and what we were going to eat while at that place. And, in keeping with that frame of mind, I'm not going to worry about blogging for the rest of the week. If I don't feel like writing, I won't.

That's not to say I won't have anything this week. I'm setting up a bunch of photos from our trip, which I'll share each day. But if I feel inspired to write something, and if I have the time, I will.

I'll hopefully have more to say, next week, when the family and I return to Ottawa.


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