Monday, June 14, 2021

Travel Wish List

When I started my latest virtual challenge, the Ring Road in Iceland, I didn't know a lot about this northern country. It was the land of fire and ice, with volcanoes and geysers, snow and icebergs.

A few years ago, there was a now-forgotten airline that offered $99 flights from Montreal to London, UK, with a 24-hour layover in Reykjavik, and I thought that was a tempting offer. Of course, I never took advantage of the offer and Iceland just became one of those places that I though would someday be a nice place to visit.

When the Ring Road virtual challenge had me setting out from Iceland's capital city, I hopped on my spin bike and fired up my television, watching YouTube videos of things to see and do in Reykjavik. After a couple of those, I watched videos where people had actually travelled the Ring Road, renting camper vans and staying at the many camp spots along the way.

DW joined me as I watched these videos and worked out. When a video would end, she would search YouTube for another. She found a video about things to know if you decide to travel the Ring Road and camp. She found a video that promoted a rental company and showed the differences between the various camper vans that were available, and which ones were the best.

We were captivated by Iceland's rugged and varying landscape. Iceland is a beautiful country. We learned that all of the rivers offer potable water, and you can save money on bottled water by simply stopping at a flowing river and taking a drink. We learned that many campsites are close to some of the most beautiful sites in the country and cost very little to stay at.

We've started making a list of places to travel, once the pandemic ends. So far, only the first one is booked, but the second one is already planned for.
  • February, 2022: Mexico
  • Fall, 2022: Belgium, The Netherlands, and Germany
  • 2023: Scotland (possibly, England, too)
  • 2024: Italy (Amalfi Coast)
  • 2025: Iceland's Ring Road
What about you? What is your travel wish list for when the pandemic is over?

For now, I'll continue my virtual journey, learning as much as I can about Iceland.

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