Thursday, July 28, 2022

Third Time's a Charm

Last year, I rode this route many times. This year, it seemed like I wouldn't even complete it once.

It started off with DW and me looking for and finding the Osgoode Link Pathway, a disused railway line that has been turned into a recreational path and runs from Leitrim Road, near the Hyland Golf Club, all the way down to Buckles Street, in the south end of Osgoode.

We rode out to Manotick and then followed Mitch Owens Road to Bakker's General Store, and then hooked a right, onto Manotick Station Road, and caught up with the pathway a few hundred metres down. The fine gravel path is a fairly straight line, heading south.

Once we reached Osgoode Main Street, we'd follow it to Nixon Drive and then head back north, up to Snake Island Road, Roger Stevens Drive, and then Rideau Valley Drive, back to Manotick and then home. It was a 50-km route that DW considered her long ride.

It became my medium-length route.

But as I wanted to branch out and take longer rides, I'd skip the Osgoode Link Pathway, tending to ride Mitch Owens all the way to Old Prescott Road, where I'd pass through Greely and Enniskerry, before reaching Osgoode Main Street. I'd pass Nixon Drive, preferring the paved shoulder of River Road, which took me back up to Roger Stevens, and the rest of the route that DW and I took to get home.

Not liking the condition of Stagecoach Road south from Enniskerry, nor Osgoode Main Street into the town, I cut back on my route, taking Snake Island Road from Enniskerry all the way to Nixon Drive, and completing my route.

This final, medium route is nearly 58 kms long.

On my first attempt at this route, at the beginning of this summer, I had to cut it short because my bike was having problems. Because of where the issue with my crank arm occurred, I didn't cut it very short, only eliminating 2K from the ride (I like to speed through a couple of neighbourhoods to add some distance).

When I received my bike back from the shop, I attempted this route for the second time and ended up stopping between Osgoode and Kars, along the Rideau River. The so-called repair to my bike hadn't been completed and my crank assembly started coming apart.

I've since had the entire crank assembly replaced and have completed several rides since then, but it wasn't until this week that I attempted the ride that had seen my crank arm come off, twice.

The third time was a charm.

My bike performed so well that I skipped my usual rest spot—where the crank came off, twice—and didn't stop until I was 36K into the ride, at the Swan on the Rideau. I got off my bike, stretched, drank some of my lemonade, and continued the rest of the way home.

My average moving speed was 25 kph and I had reached a top speed of 50.6 kph, likely when I zoomed downhill at Longfields and Prince of Wales, and crossed onto Rideau Valley Drive (I love that rush but wish the road was in better condition between Prince of Wales and Barnsdale). It was a good ride.

My bike is running like new and I feel as though I'm ready for some longer rides. I may head down to Kemptville, Oxford Mills, and Burritts Rapids. I'll have to work out a safe route. Or perhaps I'll cycle to Ashton Station, stopping at the brewery and pub before making my way back home.

Stay tuned.

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