Thursday, September 1, 2022


For so many YouTubers, this is no big deal.

I remember only a few months ago when I got excited that my combined videos on The Brown Knowser channel reached 10,000 views. Today, my videos have seen nearly 24,000 views, thanks in large part to my travel videos to Mexico and Cuba.

People seem to love travel videos.

But yesterday morning, as I was checking my channel to see if I had any new comments (I had just replied to one the day before and have found that when somebody posts a question, there can often be a follow-up question or a comment), I noticed that one of my videos had broken 10,000 views on its own, and that got me very excited.

My Akumal Bay resort video has nearly twice as many views as the second-most-watched video, of Cuba, which is currently showing more than 5,400 views. These two videos are certainly doing the heavy lifting. I'm still a long way from monetizing from these videos but that's not the reason why I created my channel. I just like sharing my videos.

For those of you who have checked out my YouTube channel, thank you very much. If you haven't done so, already, please consider subscribing. I plan to post at least one video each month: the next one will be published on Monday, September 5, and I've already begun work on another video, which should be ready in October.

The love for travel videos is encouraging, as I plan to capture a lot of footage while DW and I are in Portugal, and I plan to make at least three videos from our travels.

Again, thanks for watching!

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