Monday, November 7, 2022

Lifeboats at the Ready

In April, when Elon Musk was threatening to buy Twitter, I wondered where I would go if and when the sale had been completed. On Friday, October 28, the deal was done and I held my breath to see what my next steps were.

I had already created an account on Counter Social (@brownknowser), an alternative social-media site. There was a bit of a learning curve but the toughest challenge was to connect with any of my Twitter peeps who had also joined this platform.

Within a week, I had sort of forgotten Counter Social and stuck with Twitter, for the time being.

One week ago, after Musk cut all the executives (or they had jumped ship), I knew that my time on Twitter was even more limited. I could see an end in sight.

But many of my peeps had cast a rope to another social-media site, Mastodon, so I had a look, myself, and created an account there ( It's a bit more complicated, in that you must choose a server upon which to attach your profile, and you must know the server of your friends to find and connect with them.

I don't like complicated but I'll see.

I've actually started posting messages, links to my blog posts, and have shared thoughts on both CS and Mastodon, though I still maintain my Twitter account. Starting today, I'm only sharing links to my latest blog posts and I'm tweeting my morning greeting and evening sign off.

I'll engage in conversations with my Twitter peeps, for as long as they remain on the platform, but I won't initiate a conversation. I expect, if conditions with Twitter deteriorate, to close my account by the end of the year.

Or sooner, if Musk starts implementing fees or carries on with other shenanigans.

It's too bad: I've made some great friendships on Twitter and I've found it engaging and informative, though at other times it's angered and frustrated the hell out of me.

What about you? Do you use Twitter? Will you stay? Have you already jumped ship? Where did you land? Leave me a comment. If you've joined CS or Mastodon, let me know how I can connect.

Happy Monday!

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