Thursday, February 29, 2024

Beer O'Clock: Florida Stole My Parents

My parents never took me to Florida. As a kid, I think that would have been a great vacation but today, you couldn't pay me to go. And though I've been to that messed-up state a couple of times as an adult, my parents have never gone.

I have such distain for Florida, these days, that I almost passed on this quirky-labelled can when I saw it on the shelf of my friendly neighbourhood LCBO. But my eyes also fell to the large-printed OJIPA and I had to look closer. Was this an orange-juice-infused IPA?

The ingredients list says different: barley, wheat, and oats. But surely, there must be more to the contents? I mean, what about water, to start? Elsewhere on the label, I learned that this strong beer is also brewed with Comet and Eclipse hops, and is a "fresh squeezed delight."

Did they simply not list all of the ingredients?

I also learned that this ale is made by a brewery that I like, so I grabbed two cans and made my way to the cashier. At home, I'd determine if orange juice is included in the can.

Florida Stole My Parents (6.5% ABV)
Refined Fool Brewing Company
Sarnia, ON

Appearance: pours a hazy, deep orange (almost matches the label) with plenty of sediment and an off-white head that comes out thick and remains a solid, foamy cap.

Nose: more of lemon-lime citrus than oranges and slightly dank.

Palate: bitter orange and pineapple. The hops are there but aren't overpowering and blend well with the fruit. The alcohol is noticeable on the medium-length finish but again, is not overpowering.

Overall impression: it's a solid, full-bodied ale with the right balance of bitterness and fruit. There's not much that can be compared to a traditional IPA and I can't even say with any confidence that there's any orange juice added. The name confounds me.

It is a good beer, though. Worth trying, and I'd have one any time it was offered. But there are so many hazy, fruity ales out there that I find there's nothing that would urge me to buy this one over one that I truly love.

If you like hazy, fruity, and hoppy ales, this OJIPA is worth trying.

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺


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