Thursday, June 6, 2024

Beer O'Clock: Spin

It's been such a long time since I've done a review of a Mill Street brew that you might have thought that I had forsaken this great Toronto brewery. And perhaps, to some extent, I had.

When Labatt bought this powerhouse brewery, I did feel a bit sad, that the owners had sold out to a macro-beer giant. And with the sad passing of the founding brewmaster, Joel Manning, I have to admit that some of my love for the brewery waned.

But I have to admit, despite the changes, Mill Street still puts out great beer.

So when I saw a neon pea-green can with Mill Street's logo at the bottom, as I shopped my friendly neighbourhood LCBO, I thought I was overdue for a revisit. If not, for anything else, for the memory of the kindness that Joel, and so many others at the Ottawa brew pub, had shown me so many years ago.

Spin Session IPA (4.9% ABV; 25 IBUs)
Mill Street Brewery
Toronto ON

Appearance: a slightly unfiltered, pale gold. It's not cloudy, as you can see the effervescence throughout the glass, though I could only see my fingers on the other side of the glass as pale shadows. The head pours a sudsy white and settles to a solid, creamy cap.

Nose: lemon, lime, and a touch of pineapple and mango.

Palate: lightly tart lemon with a bitter, hoppy mouthfeel. The body is full with almost a slightly soapy finish.

Overall impression: I think Spin does a good job of combining the light flavours of a session ale with the full-bodiness of an IPA. There are good citric flavours, but I also find that the soapy finish doesn't do it for me. With other Mill Street brews that I've tried, I've often enjoyed the flavours from start to finish.

This one is great from the start and the middle, but I don't care for the finish.

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺

I'm glad I was able to pull out one of my many Mill St. beer glasses, again, and hope to fill it up again soon. And with it, I raise a glass to the memory of Joel.

Spin is available at the LCBO, at various grocery stores, and through Mill Street.


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