Thursday, August 29, 2024

Beer O'Clock: Another Non-Alcoholic IPA

Pouring them, side-by-side, I could have sworn that I was pouring the same beer.

It wouldn't surprise me if Farm Boy had struck a deal with Collective Arts. And I would have even said that they were a good fit for one another: a small but growing Ontario grocery chain and a small but growing Ontario craft brewery.

Looking at both glasses, I saw the same, unfiltered yellow ale with a foamy, white head that settled to a solid lace. It was as though I had poured two glasses of carbonated lemonade.

But the nose differed, as did the flavour profile. And one read that it was produced in Ottawa, while the other came from Hamilton.

They were not the same IPA. But which one is better?

Last week, I looked at Farm Boy's own brand of non-alcoholic IPA. I picked it up toward the end of my Dry July challenge, along with another non-alcoholic IPA from one of my favourite Ontario breweries, which was on the shelf next to the house brand.

Let's look at that brew now.

Non-Alcoholic IPA (0.4% ABV)
Collective Arts Brewing
Hamilton ON

I've already mentioned the appearance, so let's continue...

Nose: a sharp pine and something chemical, almost like acetone. Normally, I would say this is the sign of a flaw but I think this is how it smells. I've smelled other non-alcoholic beer that has had this aroma, only not as strong. There's also a bit of malt on the nose and a hint of biscuit.

Palate: the pine resin continues in the mouth with a bit of pineapple and grapefruit. There are stronger qualities that lean toward an IPA than what the Farm Boy brew had, but there's also a bit of a petrol essence in the finish that I didn't like.

Overall impression: while there are some characteristics of an IPA in this offering by Collective Arts, whereas there was more of a saison in the Farm Boy IPA, I actually prefer drinking the Farm Boy IPA to the Collective Arts offering.

That said, I thought the Collective Arts non-alcoholic IPA was fine. I've always said that this Hamilton brewery has never produced anything that I haven't liked, and this rings true in this case. It's not its best beer but I've certainly had worse.

Would I buy it again? No. I much prefer their Hazy Pale Ale and would reach for it when choosing this style of non-alcoholic beverage. If offered the choice of the Collective Arts IPA and the Farm Boy IPA, I would accept the Farm Boy brew, even though it doesn't resemble an IPA.

I just prefer its flavour profile.

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺 even though I prefer the Farm Boy NA IPA, I give Collective Arts a higher score because it at least is closer to an IPA.

You can find Collective Arts NA IPA in select grocery stores, the LCBO, and you can also order it directly from Collective Arts.


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