Friday, August 16, 2024

I Come from the Land of the Ice and Snow

At least, nine percent of me does.

For years, I've talked about the family members that I do know, and of a family member with whom I've recently reunited. But I know very little of either side of my family: neither mother's side nor father's side.

So, during the last Amazon Prime Days, DW talked me into purchasing a DNA kit from Ancestry. She had purchased one for herself several years ago and learned much about her roots.

Before the DNA test, I had been told that I had mostly English and French blood in me, with a bit of Welsh and a wee dram of Scots blood, as well.

Turns out that I don't even have a drop of Scottish blood in me. No matter: I still love Scotland.

My DNA has broken my genes into a few categories, as follows:

  • 72 percent England and Northwestern Europe
  • 10 percent Ireland (I have more Irish blood in me than DW!)
  • 7 percent Sweden and Denmark
  • 5 percent France
  • 4 percent Wales
  • 2 percent Norway

I was saddened to learn that I have no genetic ties to Scotland, as I said, and quite surprised (pleasantly) that I have Irish blood. But most surprising of all was my ties to Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.

Apparently, I have Viking roots.

France was no surprise to me but now I know which region of the country my ancestors made home. I've visited three of these countries and even the three regions within England, Wales, and France. I plan to visit Ireland and Iceland in the next few years, and even DW and I have talked about going to Norway just this past month (we both have a bit of Norwegian DNA).

I also learned more about my paternal grandfather, Sydney, who was born in 1893, in Bristol, England, and died on October 18, 1941. I knew nothing about when and where he was born and only guessed at when he died: all I know was that my dad was only two years old at the time.

I'm trying to piece together my family tree and suddenly, it's grown more branches. I may have found great grandparents but I'd like to get some confirmation from other family members.

Also, I'm having trouble on my mom's side because the name she thought she had doesn't match with what she only recently discovered was on her birth registry records. I haven't spoken to her but I'll visit her this weekend.

I've also connected with DW's side of the family, which has loads of information, but I'll leave her to maintain that side.

I don't know what I'll do with the names that also matched DNA with me. I recognized a couple of cousins and maybe, in time, I'll find more. I'm curious to see just how far back I can go.

Time will tell.

Happy Friday!

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