Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Upstairs View

I might have missed this view, had the York Steps not been temporarily closed.

Usually those wide stairs would have been the fastest and most convenient way to get from the ByWard Market to Major's Hill Park, which had been my original destination last week, where I had initially planned to capture photos of the Grands Feux du Casino fireworks. But with them temporarily closed for construction, I had to take another flight of stairs that I had almost forgotten had existed.

Between the Connaught Building (Canada Revenue Agency) and a condominium building lies a narrow set of stairs that lead from Sussex Drive to Mackenzie Avenue. For those with mobility issues, there's even an elevator that can take you up and down his small slope.

As I approached the base of the stairs, I was met with a view of one of the castle-like towers of the Chateau Laurier hotel. With golden hour upon me, the light struck me in such a way that I had to stop and take a photo.

Ottawa has great surprises at unexpected moments, and that's what I love about this city.

Happy Wednesday!

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