Friday, August 23, 2024

Capital Fair

I haven't been to a town fair in a long time.

The last time I went was in 2011 (geez, this is the third post, this week, related to 2011). DW was out of the country, on business, and I had charge of our kids, who were 10 and eight at the time. I thought it was a good idea to take them to the Carp Fair, and so we headed out for the afternoon.

We wandered the various attractions and I let them try their luck at some of the kids games, like the ring and bean-bag tosses. They each one a prize, and so they were in good spirits. I let them share a giant cotton-candy cone and we also had lunch.

When it came to the rides, I let them each choose one. Kid 1 wanted to try the UFO ride, where you go inside a centrifuge and lay on a plank that raised you up. I lay on either side of them, and when the ride started, they both wanted to hold my hand, especially when the plank started moving out toward the walls and their feet were off the ground.

Kid 1 couldn't wait for the ride to stop.

Next, Kid 2 chose a ride that had us sitting side-by-side in little chairs, where everyone was in the same row. There were no harnesses to constrain us: only flimsy chains that connected to the arm rests.

The ride swung us from side to side, taking us higher with each swing. All of us were getting jostled around because of the slipper seats, and when each kid wanted to hold my hand, I was afraid I was going to get thrown out. Kid 2 cried and Kid 1 begged for the ride to stop.

It took a while to settle them down after the ride ended, and they were done with the rides, except for one: the Ferris wheel.

The saw it moving slowly and felt that was their pace. We purchased tickets and climbed aboard. And yes, the pace was a perfect way to end the afternoon.

Nearly 13 years later, I found myself at another fair, without the kids. This time, I met up with my photography club at the Capital Fair, next to Rideau Carleton Casino (formerly, the Raceway), on Albion Road.

We had hired a couple of models, who were boyfriend and girlfriend, to wander the fair grounds on a romantic date. We captured them feeding goats and alpacas, eating ice cream and cotton candy, trying their luck at some of the games, and more.

It was a fun shoot. I'll share some of those photos next week (I have hundreds to get through!).

But after we wrapped up, I still wanted to capture some of the fair, itself, so I hung around a bit longer, taking pictures of the grounds, the stands, and the Ferris wheel (it reminds me of the highlight of my time with the kids).

I loved how, as I passed a kids' ride on my way toward the exit, camera and tripod in hand, the carny called me over to ask what I was up to (strange question, as four photographers and two models had been wandering the grounds all night: I thought what we were doing was obvious). 

When I told him that I was taking various shots of the fair grounds. He told me that if I slow down my shutter speed, I could get some neat effects of the Ferris wheel.

Oh, really?

Here are some of my pics of the evening. All, taken before the handy tips from the kind and well-intentioned carny.

The fair runs until this Sunday, August 25.

Happy Friday!

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