Thursday, August 8, 2024

Beer O'Clock: Jam Stand

This is not the beer I've had before.

Raspberries are my favourite fruit. I start almost every morning with a frozen smoothie that contains frozen chunks of pineapple, frozen organic blueberries, and frozen raspberries. Lots of raspberries.

A few years ago, when I spied a few beers that featured raspberries, I had to give them a try. One of my favourite of these ales was a raspberry Berliner weisse by Nickel Brook. You can read my review of that beer on my old Beer O'Clock blog.

Because I can sometimes be a love 'em and then leave 'em kind of guy when it comes to beer—I mean, come on, I like to spread the love around—I haven't had that beer in many years.

But last month, while I was challenging myself to a Dry July, another Ottawa beer guy, who I have befriended on Threads, shared a post about a raspberry wheat ale from Nickel Brook. He posted a photo and while I didn't recognize the can in which it came (the brew I had came in a bottle), the contents of his glass rang a bell.

Was this the same brew, I wondered?

Last weekend, when I was no longer going dry, I made a stop at my friendly neighbourhood LCBO, and I found this can. I noticed that the label also read that vanilla and hibiscus had been added with the raspberries, so I knew that this was not the same wheat ale.

And here we are.

Raspberry Jam Stand Berliner Weisse (4.5% ABV)
Nickel Brook Brewing Company
Burlington ON

Appearance: pours a clear and effervescent, pinkish-red, with a pale, pinkish-white, foamy head that sits thick in the glass but quickly settles to a thin lace.

Nose: the vanilla lead the path into my nostrils, followed by lush raspberries and a slightly floral follow-up. The ingredients that were listed on the label certainly didn't disappoint.

Palate: this time, the raspberries lead the charge but were quickly accompanied by generous amounts of vanilla, giving a sweet mouthfeel. The finish was medium in length but was backed up by the hibiscus. It was a definite treat for the taste buds.

Overall impression: this iteration of Nickel Brook's Berliner Weisse is a stroke of genius. A pure masterpiece. Reading my tasting notes from the old raspberry wheat ale, the brewmasters have definitely elevated what was already a great summer smash.

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺🍺

I'll definitely be grabbing more of this fruity ale. You should grab some, too. Thanks to Mr. Smith for bringing this excellent ale to my attention.


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