Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I'll Be Reading in 2013

It's long overdue, but I've finally assembled my reading list for 2013.

And I have to admit, I've been pretty lazy in putting this list together. I only received a couple of recommendations this year, and in a way, that was a relief. In the past two years, I had so many recommendations that I felt bad cutting some out.

Despite the few suggestions, I managed to misplace some of the recommendations that I did get. I think that is because some people sent me recommendations through Twitter, and I forgot to make a note right away. This meant that that tweet got buried, and then I forgot who sent me what.

Sorry about that.

I also remembered that through 2012, I purchased e-books and stored them on my iPad. Many of these books are written by people that I follow on LinkedIn, on Twitter, or through their blogs, and out of loyalty I picked up a copy of their novel. And so I'm going to do those folks the courtesy of reading their hard work. Perhaps they'll do the same with mine.

Without further ado, here is my reading list for 2013:
So what are you going to read this year?

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