Monday, December 5, 2022

Not Looking Back

One thing that I've noticed on Mastodon is that there are a lot of former Twitter users who love to trash talk Elon Musk.

I suppose, for the most part, that I don't mind. After all, it was his takeover of the giant social-media platform and his bullshit antics (firing people en masse, reinstating suspended accounts of people who spread hate and misinformation, and so on) that made me leave. I resent him for that, especially because I left some people behind that I will truly miss.

On the other hand, I wish that Twitter ex-pats would stop flooding the Mastodon timelines with screen captures of Tweets from Musk and other bits of information that are just so darned negative. Sure, they validate my reason for leaving but I don't need the anger to spill onto my timelines.

After more than a month on Mastodon (I moved from the instance to the one last week), I can honestly say that I am enjoying it. I can't tell you how much I love to be able to edit a published post or add descriptions to my photos, for the visually impaired. I love that I can follow hashtags. And I love that I can follow people, no matter what instance (server) they have chosen.

I've been able to find some of my former Twitter connections, so I don't feel that I'm alone on Mastodon. And I've made new connections with folks who share the same interest or have a similar personality, or share the same sense of humour as me.

I only have a fraction of the followers that I had at Twitter, but the number is growing every day, and numbers didn't matter to me, anyway. It's not the quantity of followers that I cared for: it was the quality, and I'm finding that Mastodon is full of quality people.

(I still want my peeps to come over.)

Honestly, I don't know how bad it needs to get on the bird site for the rest of my friends to call it quits. I think Musk spent his 44 billion just to burn the site to the ground, and he's doing it in record time. To my friends, I say, jump ship. Come away.

To my friends who have opened accounts on Mastodon but haven't started posting, what are you waiting for?

I left Twitter more than a week ago and I'm not looking back. It's time to move forward.

Ironically, I made a donation to the person who created and maintains my instance. When I received a thank-you message, it encouraged me to share news of my support... on Twitter!

Mastodon is a work in progress and there is a lot for me still to learn, but I'm determined to make a go of it here. You can find me at I hope to see you there.

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