Thursday, June 1, 2023

A Writer's Dozen

It's hard to believe that The Brown Knowser has lasted for 12 years. There was a time, four years ago, when I thought I was done.

Apparently, I have more to say.

To those of you who have been reading since the very beginning, when this blog didn't yet have a name but I called The Other Blog to distinguish it from the Brownfoot Journal, my first blog, I thank you for your support over the years.

To those of you who have only recently discovered my blog, or to those who are reading it for the very first time, I welcome you. I hope you find my blog entertaining and a positive distraction from the rigors of a hectic day.

Reflecting on 12 years and nearly 2,700 rants, opinions, thoughts, images, and more actually puts me at a loss of words. I've written posts immediately before publishing them and I have written posts days, weeks, and months* in advance. There are upcoming posts that I started work on more than a year before they will be seen.

And yet, when I look back on how this blog has evolved (sometimes, devolved) over these dozen years, I wonder where it'll go from here and how it will continue, and I'm speechless. There's no planning for The Brown Knowser. It just is what it is.

And I thank you for visiting it.

Looking back to the beginning of this blog, I noticed that the first three posts were without photos. I only started adding photos on the fourth post. These days, I'm loathe to not include at least one photo with the post, even if I have to pull up an image from a Google search.

So, for my 2,688th post on my 12th anniversary of The Brown Knowser, I'm including a Throwback Thursday with one of the first photos that I shared on this blog. The title of that post was taken from a song by Matthew Good of the same title. The song was in my head as I wrote that post and always returns to my head whenever I look at the post again (it's a very good song: if you haven't heard it, look it up and give it a listen).

Oh, and today's title? A baker's dozen always adds something more than the 12 of a standard dozen. This post is an anniversary post and a Throwback Thursday. But, as a writer who likes to be as accurate as possible, it means 12. Just 12. Nothing embellished.

Happy Thursday!

* I wrote this post in early February.

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