Thursday, May 9, 2024

Beer O'Clock: Tarana-Saurus

It's funny how certain coincidences come about.

Last week, on one of my social-media platforms, someone asked about how various people pronounce the Canadian city, Toronto. Is the second T uttered? "Toron-toe?"

At first, I answered comically: "I think Torontonians pronounce it The Centre of the Universe." But then I admitted that unless I'm really concentrating on the name, I omit the second T.

I say "Toronno" or even omit the first O in an almost slur: "T'ronno."

So imagine my delight, just a day or two later, finding myself at my friendly neighbourhood LCBO and seeing an artful label on a beer can with a whimsical spelling of another pronunciation of Ontario's capital city.

The label seemed simple at first but is quite striking. Black and blue, it shows the Toronto skyline, with the CN Tower, seemingly in the mouth of a giant beast and some clouds. Only the head of the beast is shown and it almost appears as though it's an x-ray: you can see a translucent snout and the skull; toward the back of the head, the artwork becomes more abstract.

I really like the label.

Let's examine what's inside the can...

Tarana-Saurus Toronto IPA (6.7% ABV)
Indie Alehouse Brewing Company
Toronto ON

Appearance: pours a hazy, deep-gold, with a creamy, off-white head that lingers as a solid cap. Holding my pint glass up to light (a white computer screen), the colour is reminiscent of a classic IPA, though unfiltered.

Nose: ripe oranges come through strongly, followed up by a hint of pineapple.

Palate: tropical flavours of guava and pineapple, with bitter pine ending in the finish. Initially, the fruit gives it an essence of sweetness but the hoppy body quickly tempers that.

Overall impression: this is a nice, fruity ale that is balanced with the bitterness of an IPA-styled beer. It's both flavourful and palate-cleansing. All in all, a refreshing and satisfying ale.

Beer O'Clock rating: 🍺🍺

Seeing that I'll actually be in Tarana/T'ronno tomorrow, I might see about visiting the Indie Alehouse. Because one of my friends, who I'll be visiting over the weekend, wants to check out another brewery that's nearby, perhaps we can make some time to go to both.

In the meantime, you can find Tarana-Saurus at select LCBO locations. I suggest you dig some up.


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