Monday, May 27, 2024

We're Overdue for a Photo Walk

It's been about five years. I think the time has come.

I love going on photo walks, don't you? You just pick up your camera and any gear that you'll think you'll need, and go. If you see something you like, you stop and capture it.

In the past, I've led walks through the Byward Market, through Centretown, across the Alexandra Bridge, and more. This time, our walk will take us to the Chaudière Falls and the Chief William Commanda Bridge.

Are you in?

I'm proposing Friday, June 21, starting at 8 pm, for a golden-hour walk along the path that follows the Ottawa River from the entrance to the Lemieux Island water filtration plant to the Chaudière Falls viewing area, where we'll capture sunset. We'll then walk back the way we came but we'll detour onto the Chief William Commanda Bridge, where we can capture some blue-hour photos of Ottawa's downtown skyline.

The proposed route includes the walk to and from the parking lot.

The walk is about five kilometres and should take about two hours, if we take our time.

There is parking space available at the water filtration plant parking lot, which is located just before you cross onto Lemieux Island. If that lot is full, you can also park along Bayview Station Road. We'll meet where the road that leads to the filtration plant meets the Kichi Zibi Mikan, at the Ottawa River Pathway, at 8 sharp.

We start walking at 8:10. If you arrive late, you can catch up with us but the sunset waits for no one.

Any questions? Contact me by e-mail at

Hope to see you there!

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