Monday, October 15, 2012

Beer O'Clock: Just a Tease

I know: many of you are expecting a beer review today, and I even told a couple of you to expect a specific post today, about a wonderful food and beer pairing dinner that my wife and I attended last night.

I fully intended to put my notes together when I got home last night. But when I looked at my notes and reflected on the outstanding evening, I thought I would need more time to write my review.

So I'm going to write it later today and post it tomorrow.

But know this: it was a fabulous night, with delicious food, good conversation, and awesome beer.

Here's a sample of what I enjoyed: dessert.

Look good? It was. And the beer that I enjoyed with it (yes, beer with dessert) was unforgettable.

Come back tomorrow, where I'll outline all the food and the beer that was matched with it.

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