Friday, August 14, 2020

Photo Friday: The Best Sunset

I haven't taken many sunset photos this year.

I am reminded of this fact every time I look out at a glorious sunset, in awe, and wish that I had my camera with me. Or that I was in a place that would do the sunset justice. Or that I wasn't driving. Or... or... or... .

The best sunset photo that I took was on August 13, 2014. My family and I were in Paris, and we decided to go to the Louvre in the evening, about an hour before it closed. The logic was that the majority of the crowds will have gone home, giving us a better chance to get close to the Mona Lisa.

Everyone wants to see Mona Lisa.

We entered the Louvre through the eastern entrance and through the inner courtyard. As we passed into the second, larger courtyard, where the glass pyramid stands, I was met with a beautiful sunset, casting the pyramid in shadow. The nearby fountain let water dance before the orange glow, created from a storm cloud that was making its way to the horizon but staying above the sun.

I told my family to go ahead. I would catch up with them.

The Mona Lisa was a disappointment, by comparison.

Happy Friday!

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