Friday, July 26, 2024

Father of the Bridesmaid

An awakening reminder of how time sometimes slips away is to pay attention to your kids.

Yesterday, I shared a memory of a vacation in 2011. In the post, I included photos of Kid 1, who was 10 years old at the time.

Looking at those photos, it seemed like only yesterday.

A couple of weeks ago, DW and I went to our first wedding in decades. It's been so long since we last attended a wedding that we couldn't remember which wedding it was or whether we even had kids at the time.

There was one wedding, where DW was barely pregnant with Kid 1, and I accidentally tipped our hand in one photo, where a friend who took the picture noticed that I had my hand on DW's belly.


But at this recent wedding, DW and I really noticed how time had flown. If our last wedding had, indeed, been when Kid 1 was still baking, this wedding involved Kid 1 as a bridesmaid.

She loved standing next to me, because with her heels, she was as tall as me. She kept ribbing me that she was taller in her shoes, but I'll let the photo that DW took of us show the truth.

She'll never really be taller than me but boy, does this photo ever make me realize just how much she's grown. Now, excuse me while I sob in a corner.

Happy Friday!

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